Driving, driving, driving, almost too much together time! Are we there yet? With the help of my brother and sister-in-law, we surprised Grandma and Papa by traveling all the way down to CA. They had no idea we were coming. We arrived at Lococos, our all time favorite pizza place while they were just finishing dinner. The look on their faces was priceless. After dinner, Bran, Jen, and I sent the girls back to the house with Grandma and Papa and we got ice cream at Three Twins Organic Ice Cream shop
http://threetwinsicecream.com/ . Creme Fraiche ice cream - yum! We wasted no time getting up into the hills, we started up into the hills while we were still eating our ice cream. The plan was for us to walk home over the hills. I couldn't wait to get up into the hills I love. There has been so much rain in CA this winter that everything was nice and green. New Jen (my sister-in-law) kept commenting how much it felt like we were in the Sound of Music movie. We climbed to the top of the hill and were rewarded with some amazing views. We changed plans opting to walk back down the same way we came up. Grandma and Papa and the girls, expecting us to come down the other side, drove around and hiked to meet us. They of course never found us in the hills. Here is my Facebook post from today:
Successfully surprising the grandparents with a visit from their granddaughters, dinner at Lococos, creme fraiche ice cream and a walk in the hills of Marin - can't think of a better way to spend a sunday evening.
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