Finally - I'm caught up on all my posts!
Day 101
I was still sick, so no long run for me. Since I was feeling better in the eveing, we went on a breif night walk 15 min.
Day 102
The girls started swim classes, they've had a break from swimming classes since last august. The classes include 30 min of instruction and then another 15 min of free play. They were so tired when they got home, this is going to be a great way for them to get some exercise. Dad went on a walk, mom was still recovering.
Day 103
A walk for Dad and then we followed the girls while they biked around the the neighborhood.
Day 104
Swim class - finally some activity for a wednesday. At long last, I'm feeling better and I got in my long run so still hanging in there with the training schedule. A beautiful sunny spring day on the Burke Gilman trail.
Day 105
Gymnastics for the girls, a walk in Edmonds for mom (Haley in stroller), and Dad got in his loop walk too.
You know aesthetically I like this background. I am not sure if has a better looking theme, so maybe you don't want to switch.