Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12

It ain't gonna happen today! In part due to the kids both falling asleep at incorrect and inopportune times and an evening meeting. Throw into the mix us discovering after the car ride home that our preschooler had peed in her pants in some unknown location at someone else's house. Translation - a kid and a carseat to clean and a phonecall to make so the other parents could clean their home. Add to this doing battle with a school-age kid who refused to do her homework all afternoon. Then throw in all the normal diversions like laundry and making dinner and attempting to get the kids to bed at a decent hour (which we are still in the process of doing). This all results in way too many distractions during the time period where we were all physically together to find some "together time". We did have some family time during a quick dinner and a car ride to and from the meeting (where the peeing occured), but nothing you could classify as "active" and "together" at the same time. It will have to do for today.

As I just pushed the button to publish this post, my oldest daughter said, "It's too bad we couldn't have family time. Family time is the best time ever. Family time is canceled". Her last sentence said in a sad but overly dramatic way. Then the youngest added, "yeah, we only got family time at dinner and in the car." Of course I think the youngest only repeated that since I just read her what I had written in the post. Anyway, this is EXACTLY why we are doing this, to be together as a family and enjoy each other's company and it's great to hear that my daughters value this time we are spending together.

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