Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 222 and 223 - Nature Hikes at Grace Harbor and Loss

The Leech Lake at Grace Harbor

We moved over to Grace Harbor for a couple of nights.  In Desolation Sound, the destinations are fairly close together, so we tend to stay in one place for 2 or 3 days then move on to another anchorage.  UJ got to do his 1st stern tie.  This is where you drop your anchor, then send someone to shore in a dinghy with a stern line that they tie to a tree on shore.  It is not an easy task, but UJ did great. 
The first day, my mom and I got some much desired "quiet" time while everyone else went for a hike on shore.  The next day, John and my Dad got the respite and the rest of us did the hike.  My mom is such as trooper, making it all the way to the lake and back, I don't think she will ever trust me to take her on a hike again though.  It was a little farther than I had remembered.  We affectionately refer to this lake as the "Leech Lake" because both Haley and our friend Tara got leeches stuck to their legs when they swam in the lake last summer.  There was no swimming this year, the lake was not that desirable last time because the entrance to it is not very clean.  It seemed even worse this year, more weeds and bugs.  Both days we spotted black snakes and big bugs in and around the water. 

Mom made it to the Lake
We lost things in Grace Harbor.  UJ lost the paddle off an oar when he was rowing - that can be replaced.  On that same excursion, Haley dropped one of the handheld radios in the water - it was retrieved, but never quite worked right after that.  We lost something much more profound in this Harbor- our Uncle Harold.  Cell communication is not reliable up here.  We learned that my uncle was gravely sick and he had actually been ill for a few days.  We were all so hopeful, but the very next day next we learned he did not make it.  This was definitely a solemn couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all this. I like the attention to detail. I took some notes in my journal, but they are not comprehensive. Sometimes I feel if I didn't take a pic or write it down, then it didn't happen.
