Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 220 - We're Here!!!!

Sunday Aug 8 – gray foggy weather, Squirrel Cove by 4pm.  2 mile run/walk on shore.  Girls got dinghy ride with Daddy and Papa and water play on the beach.

Montague Harbor, Early Morning
This was a transit day, we spent all day just getting the boat organized. We crossed the Straight of Georgia (open water for an hour or two).  It can be trecherous at times, but it wasn't too bad.  My brother Jonanthan, who will here by be referred to as UJ (Uncle Jon) probably would say otherwise.  The scenery is simila all day and then you turn a corner and all of a sudden you are at the gateway to Desolation Sound and it is breath taking.  I knew it would be good, but I forgot how good.  It was cloudy on the mountain tops, but still spectacular.  I knew we'd be there long enough to see it without clouds.  The mountains up there drop off right into the sea. They are very tall and just a few feet from shore, the water is very deep.  The area has been likened to the scandinavian fjords. 

When we got to Squirrel Cove, we got off the boat as soon as we could.  John and I were the ones who did the run.  UJ is trying to get back into running after many years and has been working out a ton over the summer, so the goal was to keep up his fitness level during the trip.  I was also interested in maintaining some fitness since at this point, I was still planning to run the super Jock and Jill Half Marathon over Labor Day weekend.  I had never walked past the beach area on this island so it was fun to explore the little community which ai think is First Nations Reservation.  We found an old church and stopped out run to take pictures. 
After traveling all day, you turn a corner and see this - more beautiful than I remember
Running on Cortez Island

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to find a way to talk about Desolation Sound on my blog, but as we leave the summer it all seems too distant to write about.
