Day 82
30 day shred workout 1. We all did it as a family at 9pm, yes, I know we're nuts! The kids went to sleep immediately after that.
Day 83
A usual wednesday. Our time together was making microwave caramel popcorn in the church kitchen - yum! We had made it with our Pioneer Club kids and had extra ingredients. Thanks to my friend Michelle Walter for this great recipe. I got in a 3.5 mile run.
Caramel Popcorn
4 qt popped corn (1/2 cup unpopped)
1 c. brown sugar
1 stick butter
¼ c. Karo corn syrup
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp vanilla (optional, but I always use it)
Mix butter, sugar, Karo syrup and salt in glass container. Place in microwave for 1 minute. Remove and stir. Return to microwave and boil for 2 minutes. (Be careful not to boil over sides.) Remove and add ¼ tsp soda. Stir until foamy. Add vanilla. Pour caramel mixture over 4 quarts of popped corn in a large heavy duty paper grocery sack. Fold top of bag closed, shake well and place in microwave for 1 minute. Shake the bag again. Heat 1 minute. Repeat 2 more times. Pour into large bowl or spread onto a cookie sheet. Let cool five minutes and eat.
Day 84
The kids had gymnastics then helped Daddy wash the car. 30 day shred workout 2 for John and I at 9:45 pm, yes, I know this is even worse than monday! It was a killer workout, definitely an efficient 20 min.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 79, 80, and 81
The girls got lots of together time with Daddy and Grami all weekend since I was away at a retreat again. Apparently I did enough excercise to cover all of us. A solo 2.5 mile run on the beautiful (hilly!) wooded trails, then another 4.5 miles with a fun group of women up a very steep (even for me) look out hill and then on the same trail I had run on earlier. Beautiful beautiful scenery crossing over the many railroad trestles. Sore and tired is the best description for how I felt saturday night.
Day 80
Zip for John and the girls, on the active part that is, but again, lots of together time. I got back into town and then headed out the door - 6 miles for me. Gotta stick to the training schedule.
Day 81
Finally, a required rest day for me, again the training schedule. John walked our 3 mile neighborhood loop and spent a long time helping Hannah with her homework, usually my job. His choice was the dishes or Hannah, I'm glad he chose Hannah. The girls had friends over this afternoon and played outside for a long time in the backyard, lots of water and mud included. When it came to family time, we did our jumping jack hide and seek game. On our last round, Haley was so excited to run downstairs to find her sister that she tumbled (literally!) all the way down from the top stair. These are wood stairs with a tile landing. Fortunately she is OK, but that is the worst sound a mother can hear. I wasn't in the room to see it, but John assures me she rolled as well as she could have to minimize injury. We got her laughing by telling her that her gymnastics teacher was going to impressed that she could roll all the way down a staircase.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Day 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78
Day 74
3 miles neighborhood loop, double jogger, parents walking and playground for the girls halfway through
Day 75
30 Day shred workout 1 all of us 20 min
Day 76
Church night, so nothing active altogether as usual, but I got my 3 miler in and the girls played out in the backyard for at least an hour with friends. We did attempt to get shamrocks shakes to celebrate St Patty's Day, but they were all out at McDs.
Day 77
Gymnastics for the girls, run for mom, walk for Dad
Day 78
Jump Planet and McDonalds Playland for the girls. In the car on the way home Hannah told me she had done way to much exercise today and needed to rest in the afternoon.
3 miles neighborhood loop, double jogger, parents walking and playground for the girls halfway through
Day 75
30 Day shred workout 1 all of us 20 min
Day 76
Church night, so nothing active altogether as usual, but I got my 3 miler in and the girls played out in the backyard for at least an hour with friends. We did attempt to get shamrocks shakes to celebrate St Patty's Day, but they were all out at McDs.
Day 77
Gymnastics for the girls, run for mom, walk for Dad
Day 78
Jump Planet and McDonalds Playland for the girls. In the car on the way home Hannah told me she had done way to much exercise today and needed to rest in the afternoon.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 71, 72, and 73
Day 71
Soccer in the backyard, 15 min.
Day 72
Tag team again. We went down to the Burke Gilman Trail, for the 1st 30 min I ran 3 miles, John pushed the jogger for Haley and Hannah rode her bike, they made it about 1.5 miles. When I was done, the girls played on the playground for abot 30 min while John went out for his walk.
Day 73
Everyone did their own thing for active time. Me - 5 miles, my 1st long run of my half marathon training. John got to play with the chain saw tackling a stubborn shrub that wouldn't even come out of the ground when it was attached to a pick-up. The girls got trampoline time at the neighbor's. Our fun things together today were planting wheat grass for an Easter decoration, adding ingredients for Day 5 of the Amish Friendship bread and using our ice cream make to make honey gelato.
Soccer in the backyard, 15 min.
Day 72
Tag team again. We went down to the Burke Gilman Trail, for the 1st 30 min I ran 3 miles, John pushed the jogger for Haley and Hannah rode her bike, they made it about 1.5 miles. When I was done, the girls played on the playground for abot 30 min while John went out for his walk.
Day 73
Everyone did their own thing for active time. Me - 5 miles, my 1st long run of my half marathon training. John got to play with the chain saw tackling a stubborn shrub that wouldn't even come out of the ground when it was attached to a pick-up. The girls got trampoline time at the neighbor's. Our fun things together today were planting wheat grass for an Easter decoration, adding ingredients for Day 5 of the Amish Friendship bread and using our ice cream make to make honey gelato.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 69 and 70
Day 69
Nothing much active as usual for wednesday. We did spend time together making Amish friendship bread dough with the girls.
Day 70
It's opposite day! No specific together time for all four of us, but we each got in some exercise. Gymnastics for the girls, a track workout for me and a 3 mile walk for John. The girls are loving the gooey gross gas producing bag of friendship bread dough sitting on our counter.
Nothing much active as usual for wednesday. We did spend time together making Amish friendship bread dough with the girls.
Day 70
It's opposite day! No specific together time for all four of us, but we each got in some exercise. Gymnastics for the girls, a track workout for me and a 3 mile walk for John. The girls are loving the gooey gross gas producing bag of friendship bread dough sitting on our counter.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 67 and 68
Day 67
30 day shred workout 1 - all of us did it. Obviously, the girls did modified exercises, but they actually kept moving doing something the whole time the adults worked out. Hannah totally got into it and changed into her gymnastics outfit and kept sayig how much she loved to exercise.
Day 68
Listening to the Biggest Loser theme song which is playing in the background. "What have you done today to make you feel proud . . . " I love that song when I have actually exercised, not so much when I haven't. Fortunately today we all have exercised and I do feel proud. This is week 1 of my unofficial start of my half marathon training. Next week should really be week 1 of 12, but I am starting a week early because my experience has shown me I need to give myself an extra week of training in case I get sick or injured, so I won't freak out if I have to miss some training days.
We did tag team exercising today. I went out for a run, came back and John left for a walk. While he was out, I got the girls warmly dressed and armed with flashlights and we went out into the neighborhood to "find" daddy. I told them he was hiding. They loved it, especially when they found him.
30 day shred workout 1 - all of us did it. Obviously, the girls did modified exercises, but they actually kept moving doing something the whole time the adults worked out. Hannah totally got into it and changed into her gymnastics outfit and kept sayig how much she loved to exercise.
Day 68
Listening to the Biggest Loser theme song which is playing in the background. "What have you done today to make you feel proud . . . " I love that song when I have actually exercised, not so much when I haven't. Fortunately today we all have exercised and I do feel proud. This is week 1 of my unofficial start of my half marathon training. Next week should really be week 1 of 12, but I am starting a week early because my experience has shown me I need to give myself an extra week of training in case I get sick or injured, so I won't freak out if I have to miss some training days.
We did tag team exercising today. I went out for a run, came back and John left for a walk. While he was out, I got the girls warmly dressed and armed with flashlights and we went out into the neighborhood to "find" daddy. I told them he was hiding. They loved it, especially when they found him.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Day 65 and 66
Day 65
We spent the weekend on the boat in Langley. Lots of time together since we can't get more than a few feet away from each other on the boat. A walk up a big hill takes you up to the town of Langley from the marina. We walked around the town together and then the girls got to play on the beach while mom and dad switched off getting some exercise on our own. We met up with our good friends and their 2 month old baby (baby's 1st boat trip). The girls are excited about having a new boating playmate, but it will be awhile before they're all running around together.
Day 66
Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday, exploring the town on foot. It was way too cold to go back to the beach, the girls didn't even want to change out of their pjs.
We spent the weekend on the boat in Langley. Lots of time together since we can't get more than a few feet away from each other on the boat. A walk up a big hill takes you up to the town of Langley from the marina. We walked around the town together and then the girls got to play on the beach while mom and dad switched off getting some exercise on our own. We met up with our good friends and their 2 month old baby (baby's 1st boat trip). The girls are excited about having a new boating playmate, but it will be awhile before they're all running around together.
Day 66
Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday, exploring the town on foot. It was way too cold to go back to the beach, the girls didn't even want to change out of their pjs.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Day 64 and 65
Day 64 - bike/trike ride around the neighborhood 20 min. After that, a trip to Dairy Queen to redeem a gift card. We seem to be starting a pattern of treat runs to "cancel" out our active time!
Day 65 - what a beautiful sunny day. We had a surprise outing to Gas Works Park - it was a surprise even to me! I was on the way to pick up Hannah from school and the radio station I was listening to (KIRO 97.3 FM) was having a promotion at Ivar's Salmon House. If you drove there and showed them that the 1st preset on your car radio was their station, every passenger in your car got a free clam chowder and they each carload got a prize envelope. My 1st preset is in fact KIRO, and we didn't have anything pressing to get home to so we headed down to Seattle. We got our clam chowder and our envelope. We did "win" a free brunch at Ivar's but it was only for 1 person, a lot of good that does us. Not sure if we'll redeem it or not since we'll have to spend money to get the "free" brunch. Gas Works Park was nearby, so we headed there to eat our clam chowder. The girls have been wanting to go there since we see it a lot when we're out on Lake Union. Hannah was disappointed to learn that she could not climb on all the old gas works structures. I remember being able to do this years ago. We did lots of walking around exploring the park, I forgot how big it actually is, but not much activity beyond that. From the park we could see Lake Union Dry Dock where we happened to spot a ship that used to belong to John's company, that was fun for the girls. In fact, John had just been down at that dry dock right before we got to the park. So, he wasn't with us for this adventure, but we thought about him. This will be a fun memory for the girls. 1 hour (at the park) about 2.5 hours detour from our usual routine but it was worth it! Car washing with Daddy when he got home, that's good for another 20 min.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 61, 62, and 63
Day 61
I wish every evening could be like this. A walk/jog (mostly walk) on the 3 mile loop in our neighborhood. The girls in the double jogger for the walk, then they get their activity at the park at about the halfway point of our walk. The sun had set by the time we came home, but it's staying lighter later - yea! They were upset because we didn't have time for them to go on the swings. We promised swings for the next park outing. 1 hour.
Day 62
Zip, zilch, nada. It's just one of those evenings, a raging headache for me and John not feeling well - allergies? Oh yeah and a planning meeting thrown in there too, that always gets us off track.
Day 63
Taking advantage of the sunny afternoon and playing "soccer" out in the back with the girls. 20 min. John won't be home until late in the evening so it's just us girls. I got a run in this morning when both kids were at school. It's always a great day when I can get in a run by myself! I sometimes run from the preschool parking lot and down a trail. Couldn't do it today, a building was on fire close by. I couldn't even be in the parking lot without coughing.
I wish every evening could be like this. A walk/jog (mostly walk) on the 3 mile loop in our neighborhood. The girls in the double jogger for the walk, then they get their activity at the park at about the halfway point of our walk. The sun had set by the time we came home, but it's staying lighter later - yea! They were upset because we didn't have time for them to go on the swings. We promised swings for the next park outing. 1 hour.
Day 62
Zip, zilch, nada. It's just one of those evenings, a raging headache for me and John not feeling well - allergies? Oh yeah and a planning meeting thrown in there too, that always gets us off track.
Day 63
Taking advantage of the sunny afternoon and playing "soccer" out in the back with the girls. 20 min. John won't be home until late in the evening so it's just us girls. I got a run in this morning when both kids were at school. It's always a great day when I can get in a run by myself! I sometimes run from the preschool parking lot and down a trail. Couldn't do it today, a building was on fire close by. I couldn't even be in the parking lot without coughing.
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