Day 56 Church night, no activity
Day 57
Gymnastics for the girls. Two bike/trike runs up and down our street before the farewell dinner with Grandma and Papa. One massive screaming crying fit in front of the neighbors from one daughter who didn't have quite enough bike runs before we had to leave for dinner. Three bike runs in the dark after dinner to fulfill the promise made to end the fit.
Day 58
Friday evening was for getting out of Dodge. Mom went off to a retreat, Dad and the girls went with Grami out to the cabin.
Day 59
Daddy reports that the girls got to play at the castle park in Port Angeles. 1 1/2 hours.
Day 60
Brisk walk to the park 1.3 miles each way with the double jogger. Hannah insisted on walking half way there. She did a great job of keeping up. Haley made it about 1 block. Lots of playtime for the girls. 1 hour 15 min.